Friday, May 17, 2019

Shelly gets upstaged by a mammal: SpaceBoots to be published by Immortal Works

Mr. Dalton has kept me out of the creativity loop for a while now. The most obvious sign being Lone Wilderlands doesn't have a Shelly-inspired, green-shelled, hero-devouring monster lurking in a coin-glittered lair. I suggest you all inundate him with excessively-hyphenated ideas to correct such a travesty.

What's more, he cut me out of the sci-fi editing process. Some publishing company flashes a contract and he ditches me like he does kids on date night. After slaving away for naught but worms on two novels and a short story collection, too.

Warm-blooded ingrate.

This is the depth of my abandonment: My editing genius will molder unused for the next twelve months. Twelve, because he passed it off to a human to muddle up with an overly thoughtful, caring, kind, make the world a better place mentality. Where's the drama in that? And the book cover? Grr. I mean, Hiss. I wasn't invited to that brainstorming session either, so I don't even have any art spoilers to dish out.

If any readers are not incensed at this partnership of reptilian neglect, watch for SpaceBoots in May 2020 from the probably awesome but right now infuriating humans at

P.S.   Hi all. DWD here. Shelly didn't hibernate this winter, and she's a little cranky. I'd edit her post to reduce the caustic effect, but that would only make it worse next time. But what am I supposed to do? Immortal Works doesn't hire reptiles.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Lone Wilderlands expands - and gets fashionable

I had a request for some story starters to accompany Lone Wilderlands. "Cheat codes" was the actual term used. So I made some. It's a book of lore by a character in the game with hints and clues to wisdom and treasure. It's available here.

The cover for Orion's Hoard was so fun to design and photograph, I wanted to see it bigger. And wear it. So here it is!

UPDATE: having some technical issues with Zazzle. Here is the shirt, but it's not yet available for purchase. Working on it...